- 尽管女性总是被模式化的认为是更喜欢抚摸与拥抱的一方,事实是在许多文化中女性常常比男性有更多的机会去与人作身体上的碰触。
- Although women are sometimes stereotypically described as the gender that most loves to touch and cuddle , the fact is that women often have more opportunities for human touch than men do in many cultures .
- 五光十色,人工打造的亮丽色彩,一到晚上就会点缀在冰冷的水泥建筑物上,找回一点人情味的温暖;弥补一些些心灵上的空虚。
- Multicoloured , the artificial beautiful color that makes , will decorate in ice-cold cement building to the evening , give the warmth of a little human touch for change ; remedy some inanition on soul a bit .
- 触摸是引起人类好感的一种非常之有效地方式。
- Human touch is a powerful way to trigger feelings of attraction .