- 它们是由于1990年代从纳赛尔湖调水而形成的,是在尼罗河上的阿斯旺大坝后面形成的人工湖。
- They were formed in the 1990s by diverting water from lake nasser , an artificial lake formed behind the aswan high dam on the river nile .
- 它们是由于1990年代从纳赛尔湖调水而形成的,是在尼罗河上的阿斯旺大坝后面形成的人工湖。
- They were formed in the 1990s by diverting water from lake nasser , an artificial lake formed behind the aswan high dam on the river nile .
- 水从一座金色海豚雕像的口中喷出,流进人工湖。
- Water spews from the mouth of a golden dolphin statuette into an artificial lake .