- 这两个朋友理解历史性的任务的此在论地位是否相等要等此在存在被带进时间现象的积极解释后才能得到确认。
- Whether the ontological position of the two friends is equal to the task of understanding historicality can be decided only after the being of dasein has been brought out by a positive exposition of the phenomenon of time .
- 它的现象的基地宁是在人类此在中被给予的。
- Its phenomenal ground is rather given in human dasein .
- 人们向全国各地的选举投诉委员会(ecc)办事处进行投诉,该委员会表示他们已经收到126次书面投诉和1300多起电话和当面投诉。
- The electoral complaints commission said it had received 126 written complaints and around 1300 complaints by phone or in person from people who took their complaints to ecc offices around the country .
- 倘若iec和ecc等监管机构一丝不苟地揭露选举舞弊行为,进而宣布大量选票无效,那么国际社会的热情兴许也该降降温了。
- Should the iec and the ecc watchdogs do a diligent job of exposing fraud-and come to disqualify huge numbers of votes in the process-then the international community may have to revise its enthusiasm .
- 速度上的优势使它有着非常广泛的应用前景,和椭圆曲线密码体制一起,成为新一代最优秀的公钥密码体制。
- Ntru will be widely used in the future for the advantage of speed , and together with ecc , will become the most execellent one of the new public key cryptosystems .