- 赵光华证实该亭确为中式。
- Zhao confirms that this pavilion is chinese .
- 展示亭鳞次栉比,有的在展览手工制作的衣服,有的堆满了各种电子设备,还有的摆放着许多机器人玩具。
- Booths displaying handmade clothes sit next to a pavilion full of electronics and another populated by toy robots .
- 我徘徊在一个迷人的亭建蜂箱前,每个小生物都佩戴着一个微电子芯片,用来观察他们的每个生活瞬间。
- I linger in a fascinating pavilion built around a beehive , where each of the creatures has been fitted with a tiny electronic chip to track their movements .
- 在附近的亭子里有个老婆婆在卖巧克力和香烟。
- Nearby , an old woman sells chocolate and cigarettes from a tiny kiosk .
- 如今他在这里开设了一家小茶亭那是个轻便的金属亭子,为附近政府机构的低级别官员提供服务。
- He operated a small tea shop there , a portable metal kiosk from which he served low-ranking bureaucrats who worked in the surrounding government offices .
- 在罗马圆柱广场的报摊,你还可以买到美国报纸,不过,你不得不询问柜台后面的女士。
- You can still buy an american newspaper at the kiosk in rome 's piazza colonna , but you have to ask the lady behind the counter .