- 银行并购是指通过产权交易对银行产权制度、治理结构、管理体制和组织形式的变革,其最终目的是为了提高银行内在的发展动力和对外部环境的适应性。
- Bank m & a is one of the ways to reform the managing system and organization structure in commercial banks through the transaction of property power in the capital market . Its aid is to improve the inner developing power and the adaption to the environment .
- 科技型创业企业的一个重要特点是:人力资本、知识产权等无形财产对于公司的发展往往比货币等物质财产具有更大的作用。
- Another character of high-tech startups is that the human capital , intelligence property rights , and other immateriality capitals take more important roles than the materiality capitals such as money .
- 第四十条资本公积金包括股本溢价、法定财产重估增值、接受捐赠的资产价值等。
- Capital reserve includes premium on capital stock , legal increment of property value through revaluation and value of donated assets accepted , etc. article 41 .