- 你不会死更不会怎样。
- You won 't die or anything .
- 我曾见过别人死去。
- I have seen people die .
- 本.拉登还想像殉道者那样死去。
- Bin laden wanted to die as a martyr .
- 要有远见谚语讲:没有憧憬,民族灭亡。
- Have vision proverbs says " where there is no vision , the people perish . "
- 对于那种即使是仅允许最体弱多病的的人灭亡的想法,我们是极力反对的,并且尽我们一切努力使人们活着。
- We fight against the idea of allowing even the most weak and sickly human perish and do everything we can to keep human beings alive .
- 对许多社会主义者来说,马克思的重要性在于,他既为社会主义者对资本主义给予了猛烈的道德攻击,还预言了资本主义必然灭亡。
- The importance of marx for many socialists was that he gave them both a moral onslaught on capitalism and the prophecy that it was bound to perish .
- 不高明的小说确实随着它们的时代过去而过时。
- Poor novels do pass away with their time .
- 他的坏心情很快就会消失。
- His ill humour will soon pass away .
- 爸爸是什么时候去世的?
- When did pa pass away ?
- 克服你的恐惧,接下来的事情就简单多了。
- Conquer your fear , and the rest is easy .
- 但为了克服区域范围内的收入差距,还有很多事要做。
- But more had to be done to conquer regional income disparities .
- 但只要有一点额外的知识,你就可以克服对蔬菜的抗拒心理。
- But with a little extra information , you can conquer vegetable resistance .
- 很多人都害怕死亡。
- Many of us fear death .
- 卡曼常常收到死亡威胁。
- Karman often receives death threats .
- 邮件中发出死亡威胁。
- Death threats in the mail .
- 我如何能负担那些损失?
- What can I afford to lose ?
- 辛格先生已经没什么可输的了。
- Mr singh has little to lose .
- 欧洲各国不必失去信心。
- Europeans need not lose heart .