- 记者们贴着墙,肩靠肩的站了满满三排。
- Reporters sat shoulder-to-shoulder in three tight rows against a wall .
- 他漫不经心地踢着石子,一个肩靠在高大的木栅栏上,另一个肩晃来晃去。
- He leaned with one shoulder against a high board-fence and swayed the other to and fro , the while kicking carelessly at the gravel .
- 他漫不经心地踢着石子,一个肩靠在高大的木栅栏上,另一个肩晃来晃去。
- He leaned with one shoulder against a high board-fence and swayed the other to and fro , the while kicking carelessly at the gravel .