- 结果表明,重整化回旋质量也依赖於纵向量子态和磁场强度;而自陷能也与横向量子态和磁场强度有关。
- Our results show that the renormalized cyclotron mass is also dependent upon the quantum states in the normal direction and the magnetic field and the self-trapping energy deponds on the transverse quantum states and the magnetic field as well .
- 摘要在油田注水开发方案设计和井网加密调整工作中,选用何种布井方式或井网密度,使油田水驱采收率获得最高、油田开发经济效益达到最优,这一直是油藏工程研究的主要问题之一。
- One of the crucial issues in reservoir engineering study is how to choose pattern well spacing in order to reach the highest recovery and optimal economic efficiency by waterfooding process for field development project designing and well pattern infill or adjustment .
- 心理健康标准更是心理健康研究领域中的“热点”、“基点”和“难点”。
- Furthermore , the criterion of psychological well-being is a hotspot , base point , and nodus in the researching field of psychological well-being .