- 这份报告的内容并非是突破性的,但是joshua用一种辉煌而多姿多彩的方式将它为我们呈现。
- The content of this presentation isn 't groundbreaking , but joshua presented it to us in a brilliant and colourful way .
- 然而,尽管mezrich通过这个和其它的剪影撰写了一个多姿多彩的传奇,他的关于内部斗争的拍摄角度是有错误的。
- Yet while mr mezrich spins a colourful tale from this and other snapshots , his take on the internal battles at facebook is flawed .
- 这些东西事后很难回想起来,因此要将这些无趣的数据集合转换为多姿多彩的记忆对象,我们必须得借助积极的想象力。
- These we tend to be poor at recalling . The trick , therefore , is to transform these grey bits of data into something colourful through the use of some energetic imagination .