- 我曾经十分惊异,他为什么能够在这个繁华浮躁的尘世里真正摒弃五光十色的诱惑,如闲云野鹤般气定神闲地生活,直到有一天,他对我讲述了他亲身经历的一件往事。
- I was very surprised why he can in this bustling world truly abandon impetuous resplendent with variegated coloration lure such as a wild stock or floating clouds leisurely life until one day he told me about his experience one of the past .
- 我曾经十分惊异,他为什么能够在这个繁华浮躁的尘世里真正摒弃五光十色的诱惑,如闲云野鹤般气定神闲地生活,直到有一天,他对我讲述了他亲身经历的一件往事。
- I was very surprised why he can in this bustling world truly abandon impetuous resplendent with variegated coloration lure such as a wild stock or floating clouds leisurely life until one day he told me about his experience one of the past .
- 我曾经十分惊异,他为什么能够在这个繁华浮躁的尘世里真正摒弃五光十色的诱惑,如闲云野鹤般气定神闲地生活,直到有一天,他对我讲述了他亲身经历的一件往事。
- I was very surprised why he can in this bustling world truly abandon impetuous resplendent with variegated coloration lure such as a wild stock or floating clouds leisurely life until one day he told me about his experience one of the past .