- 她了解到,当时的英国生产120种不同的砖瓦。
- She learned that 120 different kinds of brick and tile were being produced in england at the time .
- 铁路的一边,一片破砖瓦造成的平房还尚未被拆除。
- On one side of the railway , a string of single-storey dwellings , built of brick and tile , have yet to be demolished .
- 地震发生后,慌慌张张地向外跑,碎玻璃、屋顶上的砖瓦、广告牌等掉下来砸在身上,是很危险的。
- After the earthquake , huanghuangzhangzhang to run out , broken glass , brick and tile on the roof , falling billboards , and other laiza body , is very dangerous .