- 把产品画册,垃圾邮件,读书俱乐部的通知扔到垃圾桶里去。
- Toss catalogs , junk mail , and book club notices in the trash .
- 无疑,这很疯狂,而且cern不应该也不会把自己的投资押一个抛硬币的行为上。
- Sure , it 's crazy , and cern should not and is not about to mortgage its investment to a coin toss .
- 你有理由怀疑从这项研究中得能出什么结论,即便莱维特和李斯特确实吸引到了足够多的人参与抛硬币并按照所得结果行事。
- You might reasonably wonder what could be learnt , even if levitt and list do get enough people to toss the coin and follow through .