- 先让您有个心理准备,不要做土包子!
- Just let you all be prepared and don 't be a bumpkin !
- 这就是为什么提前做好换工作的准备是重要的原因,因为我们每个人都可能在没有警告的情况下被开除.
- That 's why it 's important to be be prepared to change jobs , because a lay-off could happen to any of us , often without warning .
- 第六十四条清算结束,应当编制清算报告,经全体合伙人签名、盖章后,在十五日内向企业登记机关报送清算报告,办理合伙企业注销登记。
- Article 64 upon completion of the liquidation , a liquidation report shall be prepared , and after all the partners have signed or impressed their chops thereon , the liquidation report shall be filed with the enterprise registration authority with 15 days , and the de-registration of the partnership shall be carried out therewith .