- 或光盘运行了?对于前两种情况,你只能用简易型音频或视频无线器来演示文稿,这时你需要一份打印稿。
- Or your cd gets stepped on ? For the first two , you may have no choice but to go with an av free presentation , so have a printed copy of your notes with you .
- 尽管一些学生在暑期得到一份由报酬的工作外别无选择,他们还是有真正的财务需求的。
- Yet some students have no choice but to get a paying job during the summer , they have a real finical need .
- 可惜以色列无法迁居,只能严守其和埃及之前签订的和平边界。
- But israel cannot emigrate and it will have no choice but to hunker down and fortify its formerly peaceful border with egypt .