- 欧盟会容许imf和g20如此之深地介入自己的家务事吗?
- Will the eu allow the imf and g20 to become so deeply involved in its affairs ?
- 虽然多少有点忧愁,爷爷看上去也并未因这些事而过度忧伤。
- Although a little wistful , grandpa didn 't seem overly upset by this state of affairs .
- 没有对古巴事件的煽情标题和报道故事,对于干涉古巴的情绪或将大为不同。
- Without sensational headlines and stories about cuban affairs , the mood for cuban intervention may have been very different .
- 这使它们的模型运转。
- This made their model work .
- 我真的很喜欢他的作品。
- I really love his work .
- 这个不同寻常的作品改变了一切。
- This remarkable work changed everything .
- 成你的日常的一部份。
- These should be part of your routine .
- 正打算开始更富有强度的日常锻炼吗?
- Starting a more intense workout routine ?
- 你欣赏常规流程的价值吗?
- Do you appreciate the value of routine ?