- 其一必然是巴以纠纷。
- One inevitably is the israeli-palestinian dispute .
- 人们就银行家薪酬大幅上升的原因展开了激烈的争论。
- It is a matter of fierce dispute why banker pay swelled .
- 此次调查源于公众围绕2009年预算赤字数字的争论。
- The investigation follows a public dispute over the 2009 budget deficit figure .
- 这些争论究竟意义何在?
- Why does this debate matter ?
- 关于时间表问题的讨论已接近尾声。
- The debate about timelines is almost over .
- 它同样引发了激烈的争议。
- It also triggered fierce debate .
- 他们总是在为食物而竞争。
- Always they compete for food .
- 巴西国内的制造商完全无力竞争。
- Domestic manufacturers simply cannot compete .
- 劳伦斯.卡恩把这些球员集合在一起参加美国无家可归者杯比赛。
- Lawrence cann brought these players together to compete in the homeless usa cup .
- 共和党人认为该法案侵犯了美国的领土主权。
- Republicans argue that it encroaches on american sovereignty .
- 也有乐观者争辩道城市化会影响人口统计。
- Optimists argue that urbanisation can trump demography .
- 一些人认为这并不是问题。
- Some argue that none of this matters .
- 电脑安全行业过去往往不太关注所谓“内部威胁”(insiderthreat),但这种情况已开始改变,一些公司开始竞相提供相关服务,帮助企业客户防止敏感数据在员工手上遭受损害。
- The computer security industry has often paid scant attention to so-called " insider threats " . But that is starting to change as companies vie to offer services that protect their corporate clients from the loss of sensitive data at the hands of company employees .
- 在距离拉姆办公室几条街的地方,汽车和卡车与山羊、母牛、自行车以及三轮车争道。
- A few streets from ram 's office , cars and trucks vie noisily for road-space with goats , cows , bicycles and three-wheelers .
- 如果玉米价格保持在当前水平,库存会进一步吃紧,明年春天就有必要进一步扩大玉米种植面积,而为了争抢到土地,玉米价格必须要涨得更高。
- If prices stay at current levels , inventories will tighten even further , resulting in the need for even greater acreage next spring and by extension even higher prices to vie for acreage .
- 批评者争辩说这种做法对于冲突中最坏的方面几乎没有作用,包括1995年斯雷布雷尼察大屠杀。
- Critics contend that it did little to prevent the worst abuses of the conflict , including the 1995 srebrenica massacre .
- 在前任因腐败被查后,新上任的铁道部部长争辩说,针对安全问题的指责是不合时宜的。
- The rail ministry 's new leaders brought in after the corruption investigation contend that safety concerns are misplaced .
- 一个人基于什么理由可以争辩说这样的人不存在?这理由是先验的还是经验的?
- On what grounds , a priori or empirical , can anyone contend that no such individual exists ?