- 这能够使泥土更快变干。
- This will help dry the soil .
- 已经干透了但还是很有营养。
- They are dry but nutritious .
- 干燥的草地因闪电燃烧。
- Lightning sets fire to dry grass .
- 最重要的一点,它用来做止血收敛剂,即,有助于在剃须使用碱性香皂之后升高面部皮肤的ph值。
- Most importantly , it acts as an astringent , which means that it raises the ph of the face after the use of alkaline soaps for shaving .
- 对于茶叶蛋来说,绿茶太涩了。
- Green tea is too astringent to use for tea eggs .
- 放弃含有酒精能使你毛孔变小的收敛水吧。
- Toss your alcohol-based astringent if you think it 's making your pores smaller .
- 表面上看,这里的环境截然不同:简朴的砂岩与高盛的标识不复存在,取而代之的是用精美法国壁纸与支柱装饰的公寓。
- Superficially , this setting was totally different : instead of austere sandstone and goldman logos , soros 's flat was bedecked in exquisite french wallpaper and pillars .
- 现在在几大政党中,他们是最为朴素的一个政党。
- They are now the most austere of the main parties .
- 无论它们在当前这种严峻的形势下采取何种策略,多数银行都将不得不削减成本。
- Regardless of their strategy , in such an austere climate , most banks will have to cut costs .