- 瘾病专家指出,性瘾者受情绪上的剧烈刺激而做出不计后果的事,这跟酒瘾者和毒瘾者的行为机制是一个道理。
- Sex addicts are compelled by the same heightened emotional arousal that can drive alcoholics or drug addicts to act so recklessly , say addiction experts .
- 马特目前涉嫌严重违反枪支管理法,但他在获得保释后继续恣意胡来。
- Matt was now on bail for a serious firearms offence , and he was continuing to act recklessly .
- 由于这种情况关乎每一名穆斯林的权利、以及安拉、《古兰经》(thekoran)和先知穆罕默德,因此我们不能鲁莽行事,而是应该仔细考虑每一个行动可能导致的后果,诉诸集体判断的智慧。
- Since the rights of every muslim , as well as god , the koran and the prophet are at stake in such a circumstance , one cannot act recklessly . One should scrutinise the possible ramifications of each and every action , and seek the wisdom of the collective judgment .