- 在奈特那间看起来乱糟糟的房间里,他能立刻找出一把飞利浦螺丝刀。
- And for all the apparent chaos of nat 's room , he can always produce a phillips screwdriver in no time .
- 所有这些事件都发生在飓风之后的混乱里,当时通讯中断,精疲力竭的警察们的烦躁也可以理解。
- All these incidents took place at a time of chaos , when communications were disrupted and officers were understandably frazzled .
- 有些疯狂科学家,超出社会伦理道德的界限,在公海上进行克隆人的研究,这种行为将会给人类的伦理道德带来空前的混乱,我们必须制止。
- Some crazy scientis , they overstepping the limit of the social moral ethic and doing research of the human 's clone . This action will leading to a all-time chaos of the human 's ethic . We have to prohibit it .