- 当反转展起色构正常运转但因转盘不动则是因为主动卡弹簧断裂和掉灵,如许的话只用改换弹簧便可。就好。
- Run normally when circumgyrate orgnaization but because get stuck automatically to bedspring ruptures and be out of order , be not being moved because of rotary table is , such word should change only bedspring can .
- 在金日成1972年颁布法令之后,必须株连3辈才能彻底消除阶级敌人的“劣根性”。
- Under an edict from kim il sung in 1972 , up to three generations must be punished in order to wipe out the " seed " of class enemies .
- 长弓是一种简单的武器,火绳枪则是一样十分复杂的东西,一样在很多情况下失灵的东西,很容易因为发射后的残渣赌塞,很容易损坏,而且只能由专业的军械技工维修。
- The bow is a simple weapon-firearms very complicated things , which can get out of order in many ways ; the piece clogs and fouls easily , is liable to breakage , and can only be repaired by a skilled gunsmith .