- 爱国热情永远不能影响算术;当狂热的火焰随着爱国歌曲的调子越燃越高的时候,在决算表上的亏损栏里,三乘三永远还是九。
- Arithmetic remained uninfluenced by patriotic fervour ; and while enthusiasm flamed higher and higher to the tune of patriotic songs , three times three went on steadily making nine on the wrong side of the balance sheet .
- 人们以前看电视时会被歌唱艺人敲门打扰,而现在能花更多的时间看电视。
- People spend more time watching television now than they did when rappers attacked it with songs .
- 把欢快的歌曲导入ipod。
- Put upbeat songs on my ipod .
- 创作歌曲真的感觉和疗伤一样。
- Writing songs really does feel like therapy .