- 下跌的价格更可能是引发市场慌乱而非平稳的价值估量过渡。
- A fall in price is more likely to prompt a stampede than a calm appraisal of valuations .
- 以反诘把读者说成是反英雄,恬不知耻的享乐主义者,某一先入主题或无意识的囚徒,或随心所欲的意义发明家。
- So as to challenge those that make the reader an anti-hero , a fall guy , an unabashed hedonist , a prisoner of an identity theme or of an unconscious , or a willful inventor of meanings .
- 因此梦幻飞翔是一种缓慢动作的落,你虽然落,却能轻易起来,毫发未伤。
- Oneiric flight , then , is a slow-motion fall , a fall from which you can get up easily with no damage done .