- 接下来我该往哪儿走?
- Where shall I go next ?
- 所以他们让他走了。
- So they let him go .
- 也许我们应当走抽象路线。
- Maybe we should go abstract .
- 存在主义是一门关于选择的哲学。
- Existentialism is a philosophy of choice .
- 他拒绝深入讨论有关如何把instagram如何能够将它自己转化为商业。
- He declined to discuss specifics of how instagram might turn itself into a business .
- 一个有关他的笑话是他曾被问及自己与维多利亚女王的共同点。
- One of his stock jokes is to ask what he and queen victoria have in common .
- 接下来我该往哪儿走?
- Where shall I go next ?
- 所以他们让他走了。
- So they let him go .
- 也许我们应当走抽象路线。
- Maybe we should go abstract .