- 让其儿子掌管新闻业是旧时业主的作风,而不是首席执行官的作风。
- Putting his son in charge of newspapers was the action of an old-style proprietor , not a chief executive .
- 然而,伊朗军队总司令阿塔乌拉萨莱希少将(ataollahsalehi)昨日表示,如果美国约翰-斯坦尼斯号(ussjohnstennis)航母重返波斯湾,伊朗可能采取行动。
- However , major general ataollah salehi , the army chief , stated yesterday that iran could take action if the us redeployed its aircraft carrier uss john c. stennis in the gulf .
- 伊曼纽尔曾有句名言说,危机即行动机遇,预计临时(也有可能会是永久的)接替他的会是处事圆通的内部人、奥巴马任参议员时的幕僚长皮特劳斯(peterouse)。
- Mr. emanuel , who famously said crises are opportunities for action , is expected to be replaced temporarily-and possibly permanently-by pete rouse , a consummate insider who was mr. obama 's chief of staff when he was in the senate .