- 这是因为其进口下跌甚至更快,这对其邻国日本和韩国都是噩耗,这两个国家一直依赖美国的消费者,而现在他们正在绝望的寻找购买其产品的替代消费者。
- That 's because its imports are dropping even faster , boding ill for china 's neighbors like japan and korea who rely on the u.s. consumer and now are desperately looking for alternative buyers of their goods .
- 美、韩、日、中、俄就朝核问题在朝方代表已中断的六方会谈上,正试图以种种不同的方式劝阻着金正日。
- America , south korea , japan , china and russia , north korea 's partners in stalled six-party talks over its nuclear programme , are trying in their different ways to dissuade him .
- 政策观察者已经预料到,安倍晋三一旦执政,就会推行合理的对华、对韩政策,防止当前的矛盾进一步激化。
- Policy watchers had predicted mr. abe , once in office , would pursue reasonable policies toward china and south korea to keep the current tensions from flaring further .
- sinogold,加拿大的一家公司在3月16日为香港交易所做了一个次级清单,估价大约为190美金一盎司。
- Sino gold , an australian company which on march 16th made a secondary listing on the hong kong exchange , is priced at about $ 190 an ounce .
- 浑水研究公司创始人卡森布洛克(carsonblock)在一份报告中指控嘉汉林业夸大资产,并通过中介转移资金以欺骗投资者。
- Carson block , the founder of research group muddy waters , accused sino forest in a report of overstating its assets and diverting money through intermediaries to defraud investors .
- 信和传说公司刚刚提请一个由诉讼当事人核实并且声明地一个和上海政府相关联的附属机构,断言它透露了交易内幕给圣莱克特集团。
- Sino legend has just sued an agency affiliated with the shanghai government that verifies claims made by litigants , alleging it revealed trade secrets to si group .