- 你干嘛出现在我父亲的葬礼上?
- What are you doing at my father 's funeral ?
- 而他的葬礼则准备在12月28日举行。
- His funeral will be held on december 28 .
- 否则100多家丧葬店怎么可能在同一条街上维持下去?
- How else could 100-odd funeral shops sustain themselves on a single street ?
- 当维多利亚女王亲爱的丈夫艾伯特在1861年突然去世,她非常的伤心,知道她40年后死去她都一直穿着丧服。
- When her beloved husband albert died suddenly in 1861 , victoria went into mourning until her death 40 years later .
- 当还是孩子的时候,我的同辈表亲们就要为死去的人们诵经,并且去感知这些身着丧服的人们的需要。
- Since they were children , my cousins have held wakes , chanted sutras over dead bodies , and anticipated the needs of those in mourning .
- 在禁止诸如葬礼围巾和做工精良的丧服这些东西方面,殖民地居民似乎一直无能为力,好像对英国商品的渴望本身就是镇压这种渴望的工具。
- In banning such items as funeral scarves and elaborate mourning dress the colonists seem to have been admitting to powerlessness as if their desire for british goods were itself the instrument of their subjugation .