- rosetta上的设备记录了探测器访问目前为止所发现的最大小行星的第一次相会图像。
- The instruments aboard rosetta recorded the first close-up image of the biggest asteroid so far visited by a spacecraft .
- 到目前为止世界已经躲过了一场水战,尽管交战状态正在逼近达尔富尔地区,但谁的争夺可以使对手走到一起,也可以是使他们更加疏远。
- So far the world has been spared a true water war , though the belligerency in darfur comes close to being one , and competition for water can sometimes bring rivals together as well as drive them apart .
- 这么近,但又那么远。
- So close but so far away .
- 我想要去释放我遗传内的极端极性业力。
- I intend to release the karma for extreme polarity within my inheritance .
- 无论是何种原因,蓄电池组充电能力一旦破坏,不仅会影响电池驱动车辆运行的能力,而且还会影响自发放电频率---尤其在极性颠倒引发温度上升的情况下。
- Whatever the cause , any deterioration in a battery 's ability to hold a charge can affect not only its willingness to propel the vehicle , but also the rate at which it spontaneously leaks electricity-especially if its temperature rises as a result of polarity reversals .
- 这就好像硬要把两个相同的磁极碰在一起那样,原本越来越近的一体化却变得越来越难。
- Ever-closer union has become ever harder , like trying to push together magnets of the same polarity .