- 在冷战时代的早期,东西德之间长达800英里的边界并不戒备森严,只有一些带刺的铁丝网,因而成千上万的东德人逃到了西方。
- In those early cold war days , the 800-mile border between east and west germany was lightly guarded and delineated by a few strands of barbed wire , and thousands fled to the west .
- 在十八世纪中叶,会安是东南亚主要的贸易港口,来自东方和西方的丝绸,武器和香料在会安河边的仓库里进进出出。
- In the mid-18th century , it was one of the principal trading ports of south-east asia . Silk , weapons and spices from east and west passed through its riverfront warehouses .
- 东是东,西是西,故而两者永远不相遇。
- East is east , and west is west , and never the twain shall meet .