- 罗斯福岛索道是在纽约的一种架空索道,横跨东河并连接着罗斯福岛的曼哈顿区。
- Cableway roosevelt island a kind of aerial tramway in new york , which covers the east river and connects roosevelt island manhattan .
- 1912年夏天,魔术师哈里胡尼迪手戴手铐,脚栓脚镣,整个人塞进了木条箱里,箱子上还压着沉重的铅条,然后一条拖船载着木箱飘进了纽约东河。
- In the summer of 1912 harry houdini was clapped in manacles and leg-irons , stuffed into a crate that had been weighed down by lead , and dropped from a tugboat into new york 's east river .
- 他在所居住的北水街阁楼的东侧一边喝着清晨咖啡,一边穿过东河眺望着布鲁克林大桥。
- He took his morning coffee to the east side of his water street loft , and looked out across the east river to the brooklyn bridge .