- 放眼雅典街头,失业者漫无目的地闲逛,老人在乞讨,这些景象让人感到,西式的民主正一点点破碎。
- In the streets of athens , where the unemployed wander aimlessly and old people beg , one can see the slow shredding of western democracy .
- 这很好理解:学校和大学都放了暑假,上百万毕业生漫无目的地窝在家里,想方设法要找一份工作。
- Little wonder : now that school and college are out for the summer , millions of graduates are lodged aimlessly in the family home , struggling to find jobs .
- 我顺路到警察局看看能不能找到一张当地地图,因为巴东市的街道排列实在没有任何规律可循,而且我也不想漫无目的地在街上暴走、找酒店。
- I 'd stopped by the police station looking for a map-there was no apparent logic to padang 's streets and I was tired of aimlessly walking in search of a hotel .