- 多迪的父亲、伦敦哈罗德兹名品店的老板默罕默德艾尔法耶德称,戴安娜和他的儿子死于英国安全当局的暗杀,并称伊丽莎白女王的丈夫菲利浦亲王以及戴安娜的前夫查尔斯王储就是幕后指使。
- Dodi 's father mohamed al-fayed , owner of the harrods luxury store in london , says diana and his son were killed by british security services on the orders of philip , queen elizabeth 's husband and father of diana 's ex-husband , prince charles .
- 贝阿特丽齐去世后,但丁的生活发生了突然的转变。
- After the death of beatrice , dante 's life took a sudden turn .
- 那一时期的尼采参考了一些但丁《神曲》的地狱篇,这毫不奇怪。
- Not surprisingly nietzsche made several references to dante 's inferno during that period .
- 你需要安静地坐着,听他朗诵他常看的但丁的著作,直到他叫你吃一小碟托斯卡纳奶酪。
- You would sit in silence as he read a well-thumbed work by dante , until finally he called for a small plate of tuscan cheese .