- 钻进陡峭的塞拉东面斜坡,主教镇和周围的欧文斯山谷位于高原野营的放松日骑乘,那里是铺好路面的终点。
- Tucked into the sheer eastern slope of the sierra , bishop and the surrounding owens valley lie within an easy day 's ride of the up-country base camps where the paved road ends .
- 吃完一顿简单的午饭以后,我们又向赫托村的对面继续进发,沿着鲍里山脊的东边斜坡滑落进一片炙热的灰色砂岩地带,这里荒凉怪诞得如同月球表面一般,地面上布满了凹洞和杂乱无章的石柱。
- After a quick lunch , we continued our walk on the opposite side of herto village , dropping down the eastern slope of the bouri ridge into a scorching moonscape of gray sandstones , barren and bizarre , pocked with little caves and intricately carved pillars .