- 在陆相生油理论、层控矿床地球化学、东亚大气环流和东亚季风环境污染机理、青藏高原隆升及环境效应的研究,取得了理论上的重大突破。
- They have made significant breakthrough in the research of terrestrial genesis of hydrocarbon theory , strata-bound deposit geochemistry , east asia atmosphere general circulation and east asia monsoon environment pollution mechanism , qinghai-tibetan plateau uplift and environmental effect .
- 试论东亚经济增长方式的转变兼析东亚奇迹是否虚幻。
- The change that tries to grow way by east asia economy -- miracle of east asia holding analyse concurrently is visional .
- 东亚经济体为世界美元本位提供了最重要的支撑,而美元本位也放大了次级债危机对东亚经济的影响。
- East asia contributes to the dollar standard . The dollar standard also enlarges the effect of subprime mortgage crisis on east asia .