- 肯尼亚政府首次焚毁象牙堆是在1989年,作为一次绝望的行动召唤,警醒世界,关注盗猎引发的非洲大象数量骤减的危机。
- Kenyan officials first set fire to a mound of ivory in 1989 , a desperate call-to-action to alert the world to a poaching crisis that sent africa 's elephant populations plummeting .
- 附近的布罗克利要塞仍未被挖掘,其存在的唯一线索是长满草的土堆中间的一块雕刻石板。
- Nearby brocolitia fort remains unexcavated , the only hint of its existence being a grassy mound with a carved stone slab in the centre .
- 我们走在边城泥泞的街道上,两边是双层木质建筑物,看上去像是好莱坞西部片的布景,我们坐在警察局后一片杂草丛生的土堆上,那里也兼作垃圾堆。
- We walked along the muddy street of the frontier town , between two-storey wooden buildings that looked like the set of a hollywood western , and sat behind the police station on a patch of grassy mound that doubled as a rubbish dump .
- 他的房子坐落在一个小丘上。
- His house is on a hillock .
- 自来水,公司,岗南路。
- The way austral hillock grows on tap water company .
- 孩子们正在小土堆上玩。
- The children are playing on the hillock .
- 敲打着哀乐走向坟墓。
- Funeral marches to the grave .
- 然而,问题却十分严重。
- But the problems are grave .
- 但是,他的坟墓至今仍然是一处圣地。
- His grave remains a shrine , however .