- 宗教社会比世俗社会更好吗?
- Are religious societies better than secular ones ?
- 根据最近的官方调查数据显示,只有42%的以色列成年犹太人把自己界定为世俗的。
- Just 42 % of adult israeli jews define themselves as secular , according to recent official figures .
- 领导当前抗议活动的,是那些年轻、受过教育、上网而且往往是世俗的民主人士。
- It is young , educated , networked and often secular democrats who have led these protests .
- 最后,与晦涩难懂的神学相比,法律和社会制度似乎给人们的世俗成功造成了更大的影响。
- In the end , laws and institutions seem to make more difference to people 's worldly chances than the arcana of theology .
- 这一世故的叙述是由卡梅伦去年10月在保守党大会上首次发表的,那是他为数不多的令人印象深刻的演讲之一。
- This worldly narrative got its first outing at the conservative party conference in october , where mr cameron gave one of his rare memorable speeches .
- 身材高大,一脸大胡子的派斯科夫是干这行的理想人选,他政治嗅觉敏锐,世故,行事干练,且不乏冷酷。
- Tall and mustachioed , peskov is a kind of ideal projection of his man ; he is wised-up , worldly , professional , and subtly forbidding .
- 但一些保守者把它当做亵渎神圣的话,证明了奥巴马不能胜任其肩负的巨大职责。
- And yet some conservatives have turned it into a profane text , one that proves mr obama 's unfitness for the great office he holds .
- 亵渎亵渎的性质或状态。
- The condition or quality of being profane .
- 也许是因为孟买主张财富、世俗的梦想和对外一视同仁的开放。
- Perhaps because mumbai stands for lucre , profane dreams and an indiscriminate openness .
- 另外,道教承认俗世,并试图从这令人悲叹的俗世中发现美。
- In addition , taoism earthliness recognized , and this sad attempt to found the united states and the mundane .
- 同时又有所开拓,刻画了包公身上的世俗色彩和封建思想,这三者鼎立起血肉饱满而又感人至深的包公形象。
- There is something to be exploited at the same time ; it depicts baogong 's earthliness and feudal ideas , the three facets sustain the plump and affecting image of baogong .
- 从王安忆自身独特的历史观来探讨王安忆上海书写世俗性特质的缘由,指出世俗性书写在文学史以及现实生活中的意义。
- Then in the respect of wang 's own peculiar historic outlook , it discusses the reasons for her to write about the earthliness and points out the significance of writings about earthliness in the history and the reality .