- “世界语”不会卷土重来,但是全世界越来越多的人在采用着共同词汇,不论是在软件和操作系统中,还是在个人每天获得的新闻中。
- Esperanto is not going to make a comeback , but common vocabularies are adopted by increasing numbers of people around the world-whether in software and operating systems or one 's daily news feed .
- 通常遭受人类折磨的对象往往是让他们害怕或鄙视之人,然而,在我们这个摩登世界,最常见的酷刑之一竟是母亲施加于自己心肝宝贝女儿的,其普遍程度甚至超过水刑或电击。
- People usually torture those whom they fear or despise . But one of the most common forms of torture in the modern world , incomparably more widespread than waterboarding or electric shocks , is inflicted by mothers on daughters they love .
- 我希望,在那个时候,你们用来评价自己的标准,不仅仅是你们的专业成就,还包括你们为改变这个世界深刻的不平等所做出的努力,以及你们如何善待那些远隔千山万水、除了同为人类之外与你们毫无共同之处的人们。
- I hope you will judge yourselves not on your professional accomplishments alone , but also on how well you have addressed the world 's deepest inequities ...... on how well you treated people a world away who have nothing in common with you but their humanity . We depend on fossil energy ......
- 她是一个凡人女孩叫莎拉杰克逊。
- She is an earthling girl called sara jackson .
- "你的是你的,我的是我的",是凡人说的话
- Earthling says : " yours is yours , mine is mine "
- 为何寻觅不到你凡尘的踪迹。
- Why cannot look for your earthling traces .