- 口舌生疮:主要为5岁以上患者出现的1-2个月口腔溃疡,不具备传染性;
- Canker sores : the main cause of 1 or 2 mouth ulcers after age 5 . Not contagious .
- 假设的因果关系,而并非特别在本研究中证明,与没有进行运动相比,这种水品的运动将给予40岁以上的人1.8年的预期寿命。
- Assuming a causal relationship , which is not specifically demonstrated in this research , this level of activity would confer a 1.8-year gain in life expectancy after age 40 , compared with no activity .
- 他还补充到“即使在控制了年龄,性别,种族,呼吸障碍指数,还有平均血氧饱和度,ess评分和较差的每搏输出量还有心排出量都是相关的而且有显著性。”
- Een after age , sex , ethnicity , respiratory disturbance index , and mean sleep oxygen saturation were controlled for , the relationship of the ess score with both compromised stroke index and cardiac output persisted and was significant , he added .