- 在“药剂师专柜”,唐从不穿白大褂。
- At the apothecary shoppe don never wears a white coat .
- 布瑞克先生从没有过股票经纪人对他来说,他们和医生一样不值得信任所以他到“药剂师专柜”去求助。
- Mr. brick had never used a broker-to him they were just as untrustworthy as doctors-so he went to the apothecary shoppe for help .
- 他到“药剂师专柜”买了些特别的东西:紫锥菊、白毛茛、洋甘菊茶。
- He placed special orders at the apothecary shoppe : echinacea goldenseal chamomile teas .
- SⅡ型海洋重力仪稳定平台倒台故障分析与处理
- Analysis and Process of the Tilting Malfunction of Stabilized Platform of the LaCoste & Romberg Air-sea Gravity System ⅱ
- 为提高幸运的鳄鱼贸易客户呼叫的家庭菜园保持农场在一起,防止坏人。
- Calls for raising the lucky Lacoste Trade customers call home gardens keep farm Together to prevent bad people .
- 当时,勒内·拉科斯特是法国的一位世界级网球运动员。
- Ren é Lacoste was a world-class tennis player from France .
- 大麻用罐头瓶子装着放在玻璃柜台后面,贴着类似天行者以及无名字的标签。
- Pot is kept behind glass counters in canning jars tagged with names like skywalker and nameless .
- 当反应堆的另一个控制棒扯出来时,辐射计数器跳字了。
- As the pile 's other control rods were mechanically withdrawn , radiation counters ticked up .
- iovine先生说,有时候一个星期他能收到来自地方政府的20个盖革计数器的订单,然后接下来几个星期都一个都卖不出去。
- During a typical week , mr. iovine says , he may get an order for 20 geiger counters from a local government followed by several weeks without any additional sales .