- 胜任素质口齿清晰,普通话标准;熟练使用电脑;本科学历,医学、生物相关专业优先考虑;认真细致,有责任心,愿意并能够承担重复性的细致的工作。
- Competent quality enunciation is clear , standard spoken chinese standard ; uses the computer skilled ; the undergraduate course school record , the medicine , the biological correlation specialized first considered ; earnest careful , has the sense of responsibility , wants and can undertake the duplicated careful work .
- 本研究旨在了解多元智慧教学与评量融入色彩计划课程对二专学生在专业理论与实作设计学习成效的影响。
- This main research aimed at fully understanding the multiple intelligent teaching & assessment measurement which are indoctrinated into hued scheming course has some impacts & influences on the students at college who take part in both specialized theory & practical scheming learning effect .