- 现代奥林匹克运动从诞生的第一天起,便与大众传媒结下了不解之缘,其发展倚重於大众传媒的运作。
- Modern olympic movement forges the indissoluble bound with masses ' media from its emerging and its development relies on the operation of masses ' media .
- 高校心理咨询自诞生之日起就与思想政治教育结下了不解之缘,其特殊性决定了跨学科交叉研究已经成为发展的新趋势。
- University psychological consultation forges the indissoluble bound with ideological and political education from its emerging , and its particularity determines that inter disciplinary research has become the new development trend .
- 它几乎与人类文明史上的所有社会形态都结下了“不解之缘”。
- Has almost gone down an " indissoluble bound " with all social forms in human civilization history .