- 她在工作中说道:“如果要让人们相信维护欧洲的统一就是对未来最好的选择,就不要留任何空间给那些愚蠢的反欧盟主义者”
- Part of her job , she says , is " to convince people that a united europe is the best thing for our future , and so leave no room for crass eurosceptics . "
- 在3m的自由波动范围都是有机会的,这些发现没有留下一点让人怀疑的余地。
- At one chance in 3m of being a random fluctuation , the findings leave no room for doubt .
- 当住宅中所有的人都已沉睡,所有的灯光都已熄灭时,她就会悄悄地离开自己的房间,迈着无声的脚步,走下楼梯,走近她父亲的房门。
- When no one in the house was stirring , and the lights were all extinguished , she would softly leave her own room , and with noiseless feet descend the staircase , and approach her father 's door .