- 实验过程不随案件的增加发生改变,基础设施也不随实验功能的中断进行修正。
- Lab process changes without caseload relief require a utility infrastructure that can be modified without interruption to the lab function .
- 这些极南边的纬度地区在整个地球版图中,是几乎毫无障碍一马平川的陆地,所以风力几乎不会减弱。
- There is little to weaken them , for these far southern latitudes circumscribe the entire globe almost without interruption by land .
- 那几天里他们保持坐姿不受打扰的时候,血糖含量在一小时内,从每90毫克/分升增加到约144毫克/分升。
- The days when people sat without interruption resulted in a spike in blood sugar within an hour of the drink from about 90 milligrams per deciliter ( mg / dl ) to about 144 mg / dl .