- 但航空公司的业绩仍然参差不齐。
- But the results have been uneven .
- 变革的分布是不均匀的
- The distribution of change is uneven
- 14个分析性章节更为参差不齐。
- The 14 analytical chapters are more uneven .
- 它们造成的不公平感是对经济和政治安全的威胁。
- The sense of injustice they engender is a threat to economic and political security .
- 很多不同的团体现在都越来越感到不公正。
- A sense of injustice is now growing in many different groups .
- 腐败官僚们的财富显著增加,加剧了他们的不公平感。
- The conspicuous display of riches by corrupt bureaucrats heightens their sense of injustice .
- 警方的残暴和腐败是抗议者的主要不满,这些抗议者今年2月推翻了前总统穆巴拉克(hosnimubarak)。
- Police brutality and corruption was a primary grievance of the protesters who toppled president hosni mubarak in february .
- 这样的行为被视为“人之常情”,这就意味着着其他动物无法拥有这种高度发达的不平感受。
- Such behaviour is regarded as " all too human " , with the underlying assumption that other animals would not be capable of this finely developed sense of grievance .
- 在写本文期间,我与两个朋友讨论,他们俩个立即将这些建议应用于他们各自不满的事情。
- In the course of writing this article , I discussed it with two friends who spontaneously applied the suggestions to their own grievance stories .
- 美国在2007年4月就进行投诉。
- America made this complaint in april 2007 .
- 他们最多的抱怨是运输问题。
- Their biggest complaint concerns transport .
- 所以毫不奇怪,2007年美国向wto提起了投诉。
- Sure enough , the us lodged a complaint with the wto in 2007 .
- 已经出现了不满的苗头。
- There are some signs of discontent .
- 美国人的不满有着深远的渊源。
- This discontent has deep underpinnings .
- 公众的不满开始变得激烈起来。
- Public discontent is beginning to simmer .