- 有些人努力更新自己的知识,做出了杰出的贡献;而另一些人,固步自封,夜郎自大,越来越落后于时代前进的步伐。
- Some people worked hard to renew their knowledge and make outstanding contributions , but others arrogantly stuck with their old practices and gradually fell behind the forward pace of the times .
- 与此同时,在美国政府官方的声音已少得可怜,落后于时代。
- Meanwhile , official government voices in the united states have been pathetically behind the times .
- 我们想看到一款可以将pre远远抛在时代后面的应用。
- We want to see something that makes the pre look behind the times .
- 但是庆祝似乎过早了些。
- But celebration may be premature .
- 这份报告也许发布得过早了一些。
- The report was perhaps premature .
- 另外一些人认为这个结论下的过早。
- Others think this conclusion premature .