- 绝大多数人都认为,搜索引擎是公正的,无偏见的。
- A huge majority of us assume search engines are unbiased .
- 他说应该考虑向cbs提供材料,在他看来cbs是一家“不偏不倚”的美国电视台。
- He says they should consider providing material to cbs , which he characterized as an ' unbiased ' american television channel .
- cmsb保持此类独立、非监管的调查角色将至关重要,因为它们能让cmsb向监管机构和政策制定者提供不偏不倚和准确的信息。
- Such independent , non-regulatory , and investigative roles of the cmsb would be critical because they would enable it to provide unbiased and accurate information to regulators and policymakers .