- 这就是他用不知疲倦地为夏尔巴人工作,而他也变得喜欢上了夏尔巴人。
- This was his tireless work for the sherpas , of whom he had become so fond .
- 当员工们感到恐慌且未来不确定时,管理者必须保证通过不知疲倦的商讨和灵活的沟通,将公司形势的严重性坦诚相告。
- When staff are fearful and the future uncertain , managers must back honesty about the gravity of the company 's situation with tireless consultation and tactful communication .
- 言外之意,德尚这个不知疲倦的中场球员,不能提的为像坎通纳这样有创造性的队友制造进攻的火花。
- The implication was that mr deschamps , a tireless midfielder , could not provide the spark and creativity of players such as mr cantona .
- 摩洛哥代表团感谢主席为使磋商圆满成功所作的不懈努力。
- The delegation of morocco thanked the chair for his untiring efforts to bring the consultations to a successful conclusion .
- 他们怀着满腔热情孜孜不倦地追求着真理。
- They showed untiring zeal in the pursuit of truth .
- 那姑娘还在毫无倦意地侃侃而谈。
- The girl was still talking in the same untiring voice .
- 近来的国外投资并不均衡,甚至是国内那些不屈不挠的企业家门也似乎在垂头丧气。
- Foreign investment has been patchy of late and even india 's indefatigable entrepreneurs seem disheartened ( see article ) .
- 积极探索农村党组织建设常抓不懈的工作机制。
- Leading party group of active exploration country knits construction to often catch indefatigable working mechanism .
- 公开是防止司法不公的重要环节,辽宁大连普兰店法院廉政建设常抓不懈,在完善内部监督机制的同时,建立外部监督网络,公开举报电话,接受群众监督。
- Making public is to prevent the important segment with unjust judicatory , lianzheng of orchid inn court builds liaoning dalian general to often be caught indefatigable , while perfect interior supervises a mechanism , build exterior supervisory network , inform against a phone publicly , accept masses to supervise .