- 据说,你的同事都很邋遢,公司把厕所清洁工作外包给了报酬过低的清洁工。
- It says that your colleagues are slovenly and that the company has outsourced its cleaning to underpaid cleaners .
- 他不关注学徒们是年轻的;他关注的是他们是邋遢的,不熟练的,而且,人太多了。
- He did not mind that the apprentices were young ; he minded that they were slovenly and unskilled , and too many .
- 一座已呈没落丑陋的近代轮渡使得从海港到这座城市最伟大的、受人爱戴的总督阿曼德公爵塑像之间的步步上升的台阶都显得黯然无光;那座曾经气派的老酒店显得邋遢不堪、门可罗雀。
- The sweeping steps that rise from the harbour to the statue of the city 's greatest and best-loved governor , armand , duc de richelieu , are overshadowed by an ugly modern ferry terminal ; the grand old hotels are slovenly and ill-run .
- 他肯定很懒,因为他的课桌很不整洁。
- He must be very lazy for his desk is very untidy .
- 他是个邋遢工人,工具放得到处都是。
- He 's an untidy worker ; he leaves his tools everywhere .
- 那是一个新闻业不完美、有些凌乱的伊甸园,记者们积极的收集重大事件的真实信息。
- It was an imperfect , untidy little eden of journalism where reporters were motivated to gather facts about important issues .