- 这是个争论永无休止的问题。
- That is an endlessly debatable question .
- 技术领域里无休止的争论着惠普到底出了什么毛病。
- The tech world has endlessly debated what went wrong with hp .
- 首席执行官不断受到审查,他们同事所做的工作却很少如此。
- Chief executives are scrutinised endlessly , the work done by their colleagues much less so .
- 几十年来,亚洲的工人们情愿为了微薄的薪水不停地工作,同他们竞争让富裕国家的工人们苦恼不已。
- For decades , workers in rich countries have fretted about competition from asians prepared to work ceaselessly for a pittance .
- 私人部门的企业近几十年来经历了巨大的变化,实现了管理层级扁平化,提高了员工队伍技能,并且不断试验新的组织形式。
- Private sector companies have undergone huge changes in recent decades , flattening managerial hierarchies , upgrading workforce skills and experimenting ceaselessly with new organisational forms .
- 你不停地跑能跑多远?
- How far can you run ceaselessly ?