- 维基百科也正在逐步摆脱极富个人魅力的威尔士先生的控制和对一小波讲英语爱好者的过度依赖。
- The outfit also seems to be moving away from its dependence on the charismatic mr wales , and from its over-reliance on a narrow caste of anglophone enthusiasts .
- 奢华的外表:作为一款时尚、奢侈的玩具,这款拥有无与伦比外观的照相机于1930年正式推出。
- Luxe on the outside : with its over-the-top exterior , the luxus made its debut in 1930 as a fashionable and expensive toy .
- 你看斯维尼托德及其对周围十。
- After dinner you watch sweeny todd ...... its over around ten .