- 你不会死更不会怎样。
- You won 't die or anything .
- 我曾见过别人死去。
- I have seen people die .
- 本.拉登还想像殉道者那样死去。
- Bin laden wanted to die as a martyr .
- 谦恭温顺者或许会继承大地。
- The meek may inherit the earth .
- 这片大地吞噬它自身的逝者。
- The earth devours its dead .
- 雷声轰鸣,震撼了大地。
- Thunder roared and shook the earth .
- 不高明的小说确实随着它们的时代过去而过时。
- Poor novels do pass away with their time .
- 他的坏心情很快就会消失。
- His ill humour will soon pass away .
- 爸爸是什么时候去世的?
- When did pa pass away ?